Get Nym
The code
Easy installation
Free updates to any 1.x version
Bare bones support
Website Hosting
SSL Certificate
Import Linkedin History
Blog Post Archive Import
Custom Domain Configuration
Access to Private Job Board
Access to Consulting Projects
Nym Use Cases
It fits in a lot of places
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As your primary personal site
Tired of paying month after month forever just to host your personal website? Slash your costs, switch to Nym, and make it your primary website.
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As your 'nym' site
Want to keep your existing site, but need an alternate for your side hustle? Don’t pay in perpetuity for something on standby — just pay once for Nym.
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As an educational tool
Buy Nym (self-HOSTED) and you get the code. Dissect it, study it, modify it, examine it from the inside. Let our high code standards rub off on you.
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For hosting communities
Share a link and instantly establish a community website for all your group.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Just $149, once, really? Is there a catch?
Yes, Self-Hosted Nym is just $149, once. No catch. You buy it, it’s yours. Unless you want us to host it for you
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How do updates work? Do they cost extra?
As far as cost goes, if it’s on the same root version you have — like from 1.0 to 1.1 — the update will be free. Jumping version numbers (from 1.x to 2.x, for example), may cost extra. It’ll be up to you if you want to jump versions.
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Is customer support included?
Bare bones support is included, yes. That means we’re happy to occasionally help with the basics, but we can’t troubleshoot complex custom installations, or fix stuff you broke when you changed the code.
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Can we white label or resell Nym?
Not currently. If interested, contact us at and we’ll keep you in mind should we change our mind. Please be sure to review the license agreement for further details.
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Can we run Nym on a shared server like DigitalOcean?
Absolutely. Wherever you can host something like WordPress or Ghost you can host Nym.
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Can we import your Wordpress, Medium, Ghost blog or LinkedIn profile into Nym?
Not currently on our self-hosted plan. For our hosted plan, we do offer a migration service.